About Us
Neuro-Rhythmic Rehab Music Therapy LLC is a music therapy private practice based in Lakeland, Florida that specializes in Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)® services. We provide high-quality NMT® services to adults with neurorehabilitation, memory care, functional maintenance, pulmonary function, and quality of life needs in both group and individual settings.
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Who We Serve
We provide specialized NMT® services to adults of all ages with neurologic deficits, disorders, and diseases in individual and group capacities. Services are individualized and tailored to specific populations and functional needs.
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The Benefits
Did you know…?
- some people can sing before they can speak after a stroke
- structured musical cues can improve walking after a stroke or TBI and in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
- individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease can access musical memories even when they cannot access types of other memories
- musical breath exercises, vocal exercises, and wind instrument playing can improve pulmonary function for various conditions
- group music therapy sessions can improve mood and decrease isolation